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<div style="font-size:162%; border:none; margin:0; padding:.1em; color:#000;">Welcome to The Scottish Gaelic Grammar Wiki</div>
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| style="color:#000;" | <div id="mp-tfa">Welcome to the publicly accessible source for information on Scottish Gaelic Grammar. Sponsored by the [http://dingo.sbs.arizona.edu/~gaelic Arizona Scottish Gaelic Syntax Project] and the [http://dingo.sbs.arizona.edu/~gaelphon/index.shtml Arizona Gaelic Phonology and Phonetics Project] both of which are funded by the [http://www.nsf.gov National Science Foundation].
*The pages on this site can only be edited by members of the gaelicgrammar.org team. If you notice an error please contact the author of the page via email.
*Please note that unlike other wikis you might come across, the material on this site -- unless otherwise indicated -- is ©2012 [[Andrew Carnie]] and the gaelicgrammar.org team. It may not be reproduced in any medium without permission. Mirroring is specifically prohibited.
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! <h2 id="mp-tfa-h2" style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">[[Syntax (definition)|Syntax]] (Sentence Structure) and [[Semantics (definition)|Semantics]]</h2>
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*[[:Category:Syntax|A complete list of pages on Syntax]]
*[[:Category:Semantics|A complete list of pages on Semantics]]
*[[Word Order]]
*[[Question Formation]]
*[[Null Subject Constructions]] (Pro-Drop)
! <h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">[[Morphology (definition)|Morphology]] (Word structure and Inflection)</h2>
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*[[:Category:Morphology|A complete list of pages on Morphology]]
*[[Initial Consonant Mutations]]
*[[Verb Inflection]]
*[[:Category: Irregular Verb|Irregular Verbs]]
*[[Verbal noun (disambiguation)|Verbal Nouns]]
*[[Noun Declension]]
*[[Adjective Declension]]
*[[Plural Formation]]
*[[Genitive Formation]]
*[[Gender Marking]]
*[[Prepositional Inflection]]
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*[[:Category:Phonetics|A complete list of pages on Phonetics]]
*[[:Category:Phonetics|A complete list of pages on Phonology]]
*[[Sounds of Scottish Gaelic]]
*[[Epenthesis]] (aka Svarabhakti)
*[[Regular Phonological processes]]
! <h2 id="mp-otd-h2" style="margin:0; background:#cedff2; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"> Other</h2>
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*[[:Category:other|A list of pages that belong to the "other" category]]
*[[History of Gaelic]]
*[[Gaelic as an Endangered Language]]
*[[Other Celtic Languages]]
*[[:Category:Lexical Item|A list of lexical items with special pages in this wiki]] (including lexical disambiguation pages and inflectional paradigms)
*[[:Category:Technical Definitions|A list of pages dealing with technical linguistic notions]]
*[[:Category:Linguist|A list of linguists and grammarians who work on Scottish Gaelic]]
*[[Links|Links to other websites about Gaelic]]</div>
[[:Category:Admin|Pages for editors]]